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Tino FA'ASUAMALEAUI,  Segunda linea

Tino FA'ASUAMALEAUI es un jugador de rugby internacional samoano. Juega en el Titans en posicion de segunda linea.Tiene 25 años y nació el 16/02/2000. Mide 1 m 97 por 107 kg.

Carrera  Palmares Mis calendarios Mis clasificaciones

Información práctica  Para tener el detalle de las estadísticas de un jugador, haga clic en la figura correspondiente !
Pts Jugado Titular Ensayo Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
24/25  Gold Coast TitansNRL 8------
16/03/2025Canterbury BulldogsGold Coast Titans40 - 24131------
22/03/2025Gold Coast TitansNewcastle Knights26 - 613-------
28/03/2025Sydney RoostersGold Coast Titans12 - 30131------
3 Partidos jugados2000000
23/24  Gold Coast TitansNRL --------
09/03/2024Gold Coast TitansSaint George Dragons4 - 2810-------
23/03/2024Canterbury BulldogsGold Coast Titans32 - 010-------
22/06/2024Gold Coast TitansNew Zealand Warriors66 - 616-------
3 Partidos jugados0000000
22/23  Queensland MaroonsState Of Origin --------
Migración de datos en curso
  Gold Coast TitansNRL 20-----
05/03/2023Wests TigersGold Coast Titans10 - 2210-------
12/03/2023Saint George DragonsGold Coast Titans32 - 1881------
18/03/2023Gold Coast TitansMelbourne Storm38 - 3410-------
25/03/2023North Queensland CowboysGold Coast Titans24 - 1210-------
09/04/2023Gold Coast TitansSaint George Dragons20 - 1810-------
15/04/2023Gold Coast TitansBrisbane Broncos26 - 4310----1--
23/04/2023Redcliffe DolphinsGold Coast Titans28 - 26101------
29/04/2023Manly Sea EaglesGold Coast Titans10 - 2610-------
07/05/2023Gold Coast TitansParramatta Eels26 - 2410-------
14/05/2023Newcastle KnightsGold Coast Titans46 - 2610-------
21/05/2023Canterbury BulldogsGold Coast Titans20 - 1810-------
03/06/2023Gold Coast TitansSouth Sydney Rabbitohs28 - 46141------
08/06/2023Gold Coast TitansWests Tigers28 - 12101------
01/07/2023Canberra RaidersGold Coast Titans26 - 22101------
16/07/2023Parramatta EelsGold Coast Titans25 - 2415-------
11/08/2023Cronulla SharksGold Coast Titans36 - 610-------
19/08/2023Gold Coast TitansPenrith Panthers14 - 4013-------
26/08/2023Melbourne StormGold Coast Titans37 - 1613-------
03/09/2023Gold Coast TitansCanterbury Bulldogs34 - 3013-------
19 Partidos jugados5000100
  AustralianoRugby League Copa del Mundo --------
Migración de datos en curso
21/22  Queensland MaroonsState Of Origin --------
Migración de datos en curso
  Gold Coast TitansNRL 12------
13/03/2022Parramatta EelsGold Coast Titans32 - 2813-------
19/03/2022Gold Coast TitansNew Zealand Warriors20 - 1813-------
26/03/2022Canberra RaidersGold Coast Titans24 - 22131------
31/03/2022Gold Coast TitansWests Tigers8 - 613-------
09/04/2022Gold Coast TitansParramatta Eels20 - 2613-------
16/04/2022Manly Sea EaglesGold Coast Titans26 - 1813-------
23/04/2022North Queensland CowboysGold Coast Titans30 - 413-------
29/04/2022Gold Coast TitansPenrith Panthers4 - 1813-------
07/05/2022Sydney RoostersGold Coast Titans44 - 1613-------
14/05/2022Gold Coast TitansSaint George Dragons20 - 1613-------
22/05/2022Gold Coast TitansCronulla Sharks18 - 2513-------
27/05/2022Brisbane BroncosGold Coast Titans35 - 2413-------
11/06/2022Gold Coast TitansSouth Sydney Rabbitohs16 - 30142------
18/06/2022Cronulla SharksGold Coast Titans18 - 1013-------
01/07/2022Newcastle KnightsGold Coast Titans38 - 1213-------
16/07/2022Gold Coast TitansBrisbane Broncos12 - 1614-------
24/07/2022Canterbury BulldogsGold Coast Titans36 - 2613-------
30/07/2022Gold Coast TitansCanberra Raiders24 - 3610-------
05/08/2022Melbourne StormGold Coast Titans32 - 1410-------
21/08/2022Saint George DragonsGold Coast Titans46 - 268-------
28/08/2022Gold Coast TitansNewcastle Knights36 - 2610-------
03/09/2022New Zealand WarriorsGold Coast Titans26 - 2710-------
22 Partidos jugados3000000
20/21  Queensland MaroonsState Of Origin --------
Migración de datos en curso
  Gold Coast TitansNRL 16-----
13/03/2021New Zealand WarriorsGold Coast Titans19 - 613-------
19/03/2021Gold Coast TitansBrisbane Broncos28 - 1613-------
28/03/2021North Queensland CowboysGold Coast Titans8 - 4410-------
03/04/2021Gold Coast TitansCanberra Raiders4 - 2010-------
10/04/2021Gold Coast TitansNewcastle Knights42 - 1610-------
17/04/2021Manly Sea EaglesGold Coast Titans36 - 010-------
08/05/2021Wests TigersGold Coast Titans28 - 3610-------
16/05/2021Gold Coast TitansPenrith Panthers12 - 4810-------
22/05/2021Gold Coast TitansCanterbury Bulldogs30 - 20131------
30/05/2021Cronulla SharksGold Coast Titans38 - 1013----1--
12/06/2021Gold Coast TitansSydney Roosters34 - 35151------
20/06/2021Gold Coast TitansManly Sea Eagles24 - 5610-------
03/07/2021Canberra RaidersGold Coast Titans6 - 4410-------
16/07/2021Gold Coast TitansParramatta Eels8 - 2613-------
25/07/2021Saint George DragonsGold Coast Titans10 - 3213-------
02/08/2021Canterbury BulldogsGold Coast Titans6 - 34131------
08/08/2021Gold Coast TitansNorth Queensland Cowboys36 - 1413-------
14/08/2021South Sydney RabbitohsGold Coast Titans36 - 613-------
19/08/2021Gold Coast TitansMelbourne Storm20 - 3410-------
26/08/2021Newcastle KnightsGold Coast Titans15 - 1410-------
05/09/2021Gold Coast TitansNew Zealand Warriors44 - 013-------
11/09/2021Sydney RoostersGold Coast Titans25 - 24131------
22 Partidos jugados4000100
19/20  Queensland MaroonsState Of Origin -------
Migración de datos en curso
  Melbourne StormNRL 28------
15/03/2020Manly Sea EaglesMelbourne Storm4 - 1815-------
21/03/2020Cronulla SharksMelbourne Storm10 - 1214-------
30/05/2020Melbourne StormCanberra Raiders6 - 2215-------
05/06/2020Melbourne StormSouth Sydney Rabbitohs22 - 815-------
13/06/2020Newcastle KnightsMelbourne Storm12 - 26151------
19/06/2020Penrith PanthersMelbourne Storm21 - 1415-------
26/06/2020Melbourne StormNew Zealand Warriors50 - 615-------
02/07/2020Melbourne StormSydney Roosters27 - 2515-------
11/07/2020Canberra RaidersMelbourne Storm14 - 2015-------
17/07/2020Melbourne StormGold Coast Titans42 - 615-------
24/07/2020Brisbane BroncosMelbourne Storm8 - 46152------
02/08/2020Melbourne StormNewcastle Knights26 - 16151------
08/08/2020Melbourne StormCanterbury Bulldogs41 - 1013-------
13/08/2020Sydney RoostersMelbourne Storm6 - 2415-------
20/08/2020Parramatta EelsMelbourne Storm14 - 013-------
30/08/2020Melbourne StormManly Sea Eagles30 - 612-------
04/09/2020South Sydney RabbitohsMelbourne Storm16 - 22131------
13/09/2020Melbourne StormNorth Queensland Cowboys36 - 20131------
19/09/2020Melbourne StormWests Tigers50 - 22101------
03/10/2020Melbourne StormParramatta Eels36 - 2415-------
16/10/2020Melbourne StormCanberra Raiders30 - 1015-------
25/10/2020Penrith PanthersMelbourne Storm20 - 2615-------
22 Partidos jugados7000000
  SamoaTests XIII --------
Migración de datos en curso
18/19  Melbourne StormNRL ---------
04/07/2019Saint George DragonsMelbourne Storm14 - 1615-------
21/07/2019Gold Coast TitansMelbourne Storm18 - 3816-------
11/08/2019South Sydney RabbitohsMelbourne Storm16 - 2616-------
17/08/2019Melbourne StormCanberra Raiders18 - 2215-------
31/08/2019Manly Sea EaglesMelbourne Storm6 - 3614-------
5 Partidos jugados0000000
Competiciones Pts Jugado Titular Ensayo Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
State Of Origin-129----1--
Rugby League Copa del Mundo-52-------
Tests XIII-11-------
Equipos Pts Jugado Titular Ensayo Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Gold Coast Titans56696314---2--
Queensland Maroons-129----1--
Melbourne Storm282767------
Pts Jugado Titular Ensayo Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Informacion importante  Puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros para corregir datos o completarlos a través de nuestra página de Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter o nuestra dirección de contacto en la parte superior de la página



Australian XIII Championship - NRL


Copa del Mundo - Rugby League Copa del Mundo

2022Australie XIIIGanador

Mis calendarios

CompeticioneDateEquipo 1Equipo 2ScoreJuagdo
NRL16/03/2025Canterbury BulldogsGold Coast Titans40 - 2413 (0 minutes)
NRL22/03/2025Gold Coast TitansNewcastle Knights26 - 613 (0 minutes)
NRL28/03/2025Sydney RoostersGold Coast Titans12 - 3013 (0 minutes)
NRL05/04/2025Gold Coast TitansRedcliffe Dolphins-
NRL11/04/2025Saint George DragonsGold Coast Titans-
NRL20/04/2025Gold Coast TitansCanberra Raiders-
NRL26/04/2025North Queensland CowboysGold Coast Titans-
NRL04/05/2025Gold Coast TitansCanterbury Bulldogs-
NRL09/05/2025Newcastle KnightsGold Coast Titans-
NRL18/05/2025Canberra RaidersGold Coast Titans-
NRL31/05/2025Gold Coast TitansMelbourne Storm-
NRL07/06/2025Brisbane BroncosGold Coast Titans-
NRL13/06/2025Gold Coast TitansManly Sea Eagles-
NRL22/06/2025Parramatta EelsGold Coast Titans-
NRL29/06/2025Gold Coast TitansNorth Queensland Cowboys-
NRL13/07/2025Gold Coast TitansBrisbane Broncos-
NRL20/07/2025Wests TigersGold Coast Titans-
NRL26/07/2025New Zealand WarriorsGold Coast Titans-
NRL02/08/2025Gold Coast TitansPenrith Panthers-
NRL10/08/2025Gold Coast TitansSouth Sydney Rabbitohs-
NRL16/08/2025Cronulla SharksGold Coast Titans-
NRL23/08/2025Gold Coast TitansNew Zealand Warriors-
NRL31/08/2025Redcliffe DolphinsGold Coast Titans-
NRL06/09/2025Gold Coast TitansWests Tigers-

Mis clasificaciones

1Brisbane Broncos 4630111874
2Canterbury Bulldogs 363008452
3South Sydney Rabbitohs 463018183
4Manly Sea Eagles 342019860
5Melbourne Storm 342019456
6Wests Tigers 342017034
7Cronulla Sharks 342018552
8Gold Coast Titans 342018058
9New Zealand Warriors 342015852
10Canberra Raiders 342017470
11Newcastle Knights 342014246
12Saint George Dragons 321025861
13Penrith Panthers 42103102118
14Sydney Roosters 4210370126
15Redcliffe Dolphins 400045692
16North Queensland Cowboys 3000340104
17Parramatta Eels 3000332104

   Qualification phase finale , 

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